Corporate social responsibilites and ethics in tourism industry (in UK and Hungary)

Название работы: Corporate social responsibilites and ethics in tourism industry (in UK and Hungary)

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Тема работы:

Corporate social responsibilites and ethics in tourism industry (in UK and Hungary)


Дипломная   →  Английский

Количество страниц:

82 стр.

Год сдачи:

2007 г.


3500 руб.



1. Theoretical aspect of studying of a problem of development of Russian art during 20-21 centuries
1.1. Features of Russian art during 20-21 centuries………………………………..8
1.2. The basic characteristics of the market of Russian art……………………….46
1.3. New directions of development of Russian art in modern Russia……………48
2. Research of the Russian market of painting in structure of Russian art in 2000 y.
2.1. A place of painting in system of the Russian market of arts…………………55
2.2. Features of development of the Russian market of painting: segmentation, structure and assortment of pictures, the analysis of a competitive landscape, a price policy………………………………………………………………………..59
2.3. Prospects and the basic directions of development of the Russian market of painting……………………………………………………………………………64



Urgency of research. The art market – complex and many-sided the phenomenon, is essential and versatilly influencing on an art life of a modern society. The changes which have occurred in Russia, connected with the beginning of transition to market economy, have caused active коммерциализацию arts, formations of new model of art consciousness of a society, interaction of business and culture. The commodity reference(manipulation) of works of art began to be perceived by the objective reality rendering essential influence, both on development of the modern art, and on creative processes and the person of the artist. Simultaneously with development of the internal commodity reference(manipulation) of art subjects the share of domestic art in the international art market has considerably increased. The quantity of works of masters of the domestic school participating on foreign auctions and exhibitions, submitted in art galleries has increased. Growth of popularity of Russian art and, as consequence(investigation), increase in market cost of works of the Russian masters is obvious. Increase of a role of market attitudes stimulated need for studying the commodity reference(manipulation) of works of art in culture. In the research literature there are the works devoted to separate aspects of the given problem. However the most part of questions yet did not become a subject of the scientific analysis, till now there is no full picture of historical development of the art market in Russia. Studying of a history of this phenomenon, definition of the basic stages of his(its) becoming and development will allow to systematize the materials connected to the commodity reference(manipulation) of works of art, to use them for preparation of analysts and experts of the art market, and also considerably to expand representation about a history of the Russian culture. Theoretical and the practical importance of a problem have determined a urgency of the given research.
Degree problems. The problem of the art market has complex character, its separate aspects are considered within the framework of various scientific disciplines. One of the basic is the sociological approach declared in works by G.V.Plehanova, V.M.Friche, V.Gauzenshtejna in which art was considered(examined) in connection with economy, in a context марксисткой the idea asserting(approving) his(its) dependence on a parity(ratio) of productive forces and relations of production. Social - psychological and sociological aspects of functioning of works of art and cultural values, their theoretical and empirical studying it is undertaken in concrete sociological researches of art. The state institute искусствознания, since the middle of 1970th years, on a regular basis carried out(spent) the sociological analysis of perception(recognition) public of various kinds of art. Results of these researches have found reflection in V.J.Boreva, V.M.Petrov,, G.G.Dadamjana, V.Ladmjae's works, etc. From the point of view общесоциологических laws of functioning the art culture in J.N.Daydova, JU.V.Perov, A.N.Sohora's works, К.Б was investigated. The Sokolov, JU.U.Фохт-grandmother's, N.A.Hrenova. Questions of functioning of art in conditions of market economy have drawn attention of scientists - sociologists in connection with economic reforms of the end of 1980th years.

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