The rules relating to measures having equivalent effect have not stopped Member States from skilfully creating “justifications” for blocking imports. Critically assess the accuracy (or otherwise) of this view

Название работы: The rules relating to measures having equivalent effect have not stopped Member States from skilfully creating “justifications” for blocking imports. Critically assess the accuracy (or otherwise) of this view

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Тема работы:

The rules relating to measures having equivalent effect have not stopped Member States from skilfully creating “justifications” for blocking imports. Critically assess the accuracy (or otherwise) of this view


Курсовая практика   →  Английский

Количество страниц:

16 стр.

Год сдачи:

2007 г.


1200 руб.


1.As the World trading organization struggles with protectionism ………………..4
1.1 Trading rules ……………………………………………………………...4
1.2. Roundes of trading negotiations ……………………………………………5
2. Preference to protective measures concerning excessive import ……………….6
Conclusions ……………………………………………………………………..15
References ………………………………………………………………………..16


This Paper discusses the rules relating to measures having equivalent effect have not stopped Member States from skilfully creating “justifications” for blocking imports.
The principal source of law within the EC is the Treaty which has been subject to subsequent amendment in some areas, principally by the Single European Act 1986 and the Treaty for European Union (Maastricht) and the Amsterdam Treaty. It should be noted that the latter in particular builds upon the foundations of the original Treaty, rather than recreating the structure of the Community/Union.
The way in which the Treaty has been adopted and incorporated into the domestic regimes of the individual Member States depends very much upon the constitutional framework of the particular Member State. For this purpose Member States fall into two categories, those which under the principles of International and Constitutional law would be known as ‘monist’, and those which would be known as This distinction is made with reference to the way in which International Treaty law becomes incorporated into domestic law, importing its expectations and rights into the domestic forum. Those nations which are categorised as ‘monist’ have the constitutional facility whereby International treaties will automatically become part of the domestic order on ratification and without any further action.
The source information for this research work has been carefully studied and investigated before it was applied to the given work.
The given Paper contains introduction, two chapters, conclusion and bibliography list.

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